Source code for eflow.data_pipeline_segments.feature_data_cleaner

from eflow._hidden.widgets.feature_data_cleaning_widget import *
from eflow._hidden.parent_objects.data_pipeline_segment import *
from import DataFrameTypes
from eflow.utils.pandas_utils import check_if_feature_exists
from eflow.utils.misc_utils import get_parameters
from eflow.utils.pandas_utils import zcore_remove_outliers

__author__ = "Eric Cacciavillani"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2019, eFlow"
__credits__ = ["Eric Cacciavillani"]
__license__ = "MIT"
__maintainer__ = "EricCacciavillani"
__email__ = ""

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from collections import deque

[docs]class FeatureDataCleaner(DataPipelineSegment): """ Designed for a multipurpose data cleaner. """ def __init__(self, segment_id=None, create_file=True): """ Args: segment_id: str Reference id to past segments of this object. Note/Caveats: When creating any public function that will be part of the pipeline's structure it is important to follow this given template. Also, try not to use _add_to_que. Can ruin the entire purpose of this project. """ DataPipelineSegment.__init__(self, object_type=self.__class__.__name__, segment_id=segment_id, create_file=create_file) self.__test_cleaning_methods = False # self.__requires_nan_removal = df.isnull().values.any() # # # Throw error here # if df is None: # return # --- Setting up widget options # Dummy line to show in the menu for cleaner viewing # self.__data_cleaning_options["TYPE"][ # "---------------------" + (" " * space_counters.pop())] = \ # self.__ignore_feature # Set up numerical cleaning options space_counters = {i for i in range(1, 50)} self.__data_cleaning_options = dict() self.__data_cleaning_options["Number"] = dict() self.__data_cleaning_options["Number"]["Ignore feature"] = \ self.ignore_feature self.__data_cleaning_options["Number"]["Drop feature"] = \ self.drop_feature self.__data_cleaning_options["Number"]["Remove all nans"] = \ self.remove_nans self.__data_cleaning_options["Number"][ "---------------------" + (" " * space_counters.pop())] = \ self.ignore_feature self.__data_cleaning_options["Number"][ "Fill nan with min value of distribution"] = \ self.fill_nan_by_distribution self.__data_cleaning_options["Number"][ "Fill nan with x% value of distribution"] = \ self.fill_nan_by_distribution self.__data_cleaning_options["Number"][ "Fill nan with median value of distribution"] = \ self.fill_nan_by_distribution self.__data_cleaning_options["Number"][ "Fill nan with max value of distribution"] = \ self.fill_nan_by_distribution self.__data_cleaning_options["Number"][ "---------------------" + (" " * space_counters.pop())] = \ self.ignore_feature self.__data_cleaning_options["Number"][ "Fill nan with average value of distribution"] = self.fill_nan_by_average self.__data_cleaning_options["Number"][ "Fill nan with mode of distribution"] = self.fill_nan_by_mode self.__data_cleaning_options["Number"][ "Fill null with specfic value"] = self.fill_nan_with_specfic_value self.__data_cleaning_options["Number"][ "---------------------" + (" " * space_counters.pop())] = \ self.ignore_feature self.__data_cleaning_options["Number"][ "Fill with least common count of distribution"] = \ self.fill_nan_by_occurance_percentaile self.__data_cleaning_options["Number"][ "Fill with most common count of distribution"] = \ self.fill_nan_by_occurance_percentaile self.__data_cleaning_options["Number"][ "Fill with x% count distribution"] = \ self.fill_nan_by_occurance_percentaile # Set up category cleaning options space_counters = {i for i in range(1, 50)} self.__data_cleaning_options["Category"] = dict() self.__data_cleaning_options["Category"]["Ignore feature"] = self.ignore_feature self.__data_cleaning_options["Category"]["Drop feature"] = \ self.drop_feature self.__data_cleaning_options["Category"]["Remove all nans"] = \ self.remove_nans self.__data_cleaning_options["Category"][ "---------------------" + (" " * space_counters.pop())] = \ self.ignore_feature self.__data_cleaning_options["Category"][ "Fill null with specfic value"] = self.fill_nan_with_specfic_value self.__data_cleaning_options["Category"][ "---------------------" + (" " * space_counters.pop())] = \ self.ignore_feature self.__data_cleaning_options["Category"][ "Fill nan with mode of distribution"] = self.fill_nan_by_mode self.__data_cleaning_options["Category"][ "Fill with least common count of distribution"] = \ self.fill_nan_by_occurance_percentaile self.__data_cleaning_options["Category"][ "Fill with most common count of distribution"] = \ self.fill_nan_by_occurance_percentaile self.__data_cleaning_options["Category"][ "Fill with x% count distribution"] = \ self.fill_nan_by_occurance_percentaile # Set up boolean cleaning options space_counters = {i for i in range(1, 50)} self.__data_cleaning_options["Bool"] = dict() self.__data_cleaning_options["Bool"][ "Ignore feature"] = self.ignore_feature self.__data_cleaning_options["Bool"]["Drop feature"] = \ self.drop_feature self.__data_cleaning_options["Bool"]["Remove all nans"] = \ self.remove_nans self.__data_cleaning_options["Bool"][ "---------------------" + (" " * space_counters.pop())] = \ self.ignore_feature self.__data_cleaning_options["Bool"]["Make nan Assertions"] = self.make_nan_assertions self.__data_cleaning_options["Bool"][ "Fill null with specfic bool value"] = self.fill_nan_with_specfic_value self.__data_cleaning_options["Bool"][ "Fill with least common count of distribution"] = \ self.fill_nan_by_occurance_percentaile self.__data_cleaning_options["Bool"][ "Fill with most common count of distribution"] = \ self.fill_nan_by_occurance_percentaile # Set up boolean cleaning options space_counters = {i for i in range(1, 50)} self.__data_cleaning_options["Date"] = dict() self.__data_cleaning_options["Date"][ "Ignore feature"] = self.ignore_feature self.__data_cleaning_options["Date"]["Drop feature"] = \ self.drop_feature # Error case on data types space_counters = {i for i in range(1, 50)} self.__data_cleaning_options["Unknown"] = dict() self.__data_cleaning_options["Unknown"][ "ERROR UNKNOWN FEATURE TYPE FOUND"] = self.ignore_feature self.__data_cleaning_options["Unknown"][ "Ignore feature"] = self.ignore_feature self.__data_cleaning_options["Unknown"]["Drop feature"] = \ self.ignore_feature self.__data_cleaning_options["Unknown"]["Remove all nans"] = \ self.remove_nans # Written conditionals for functions requiring input fields self.__require_input = {"Fill null with specfic value": None, "Fill null with specfic bool value": 'x == 1 or x == 0', "Fill nan with x% value of distribution": 'x >= 0 and x <=100', "Fill with random existing values": 'x > 0', "Fill with x% count distribution": 'x >= 0 and x <=100'} # --- # self.__notebook_mode = notebook_mode self.__ui_widget = DataCleaningWidget( require_input=self.__require_input, data_cleaning_options=self.__data_cleaning_options) def get_user_inputs(self): return self.__ui_widget.get_user_inputs()
[docs] def run_widget(self, df, df_features, nan_feature_names=[]): """ df: A pandas dataframe object df_features: DataFrameTypes object; organizes feature types into groups. Returns: Returns a UI widget to create a JSON file for cleaning. """ # Throw Error here if df is None: return if not nan_feature_names: nan_feature_names = df.columns[df.isna().any()].tolist() self.__ui_widget.run_widget(nan_feature_names, df_features)
def perform_saved_widget_input(self, df, df_features, suppress_runtime_errors=True, reset_segment_file=False): try: for bool_value in [True,False]: self.__test_cleaning_methods = bool_value selected_options, \ feature_input_holder, \ feature_zscore_holder = self.__ui_widget.get_user_inputs() for feature_name, function_option in selected_options.items(): for dtype in ["Number","Bool","Category", "Date"]: if function_option in self.__data_cleaning_options[dtype]: saved_function = self.__data_cleaning_options[dtype][function_option] exec_str = f"saved_function(df,df_features,feature_name," if feature_name in feature_input_holder and \ feature_input_holder[feature_name]: try: int(feature_input_holder[feature_name]) exec_str += feature_input_holder[ feature_name] + "," except: exec_str += "\"" + feature_input_holder[feature_name] + "\"," if function_option == "Fill nan with min value of distribution" or function_option == "Fill with least common count of distribution": exec_str += "0," elif function_option == "Fill nan with median value of distribution": exec_str += "50," elif function_option == "Fill nan with max value of distribution" or function_option == "Fill with most common count of distribution": exec_str += "100," if feature_name in feature_zscore_holder and \ feature_zscore_holder[feature_name]: exec_str += feature_zscore_holder[feature_name] + "," exec_str += ")" if self.__test_cleaning_methods: defined_function_string = exec_str.replace("saved_function", saved_function.__name__).replace("feature_name", f"\"{feature_name}\"") print("***" * 10) print("Testing function") print(defined_function_string) # print(exec_str) try: exec(exec_str) if self.__test_cleaning_methods: print("PASSED TEST!") print("***" * 10) print() except Exception as e: if self.__test_cleaning_methods: print("FAILED TEST!") print("***" * 10) self.__test_cleaning_methods = False if reset_segment_file: print("Exception hit when trying to perform all " "cleaning functions. " "Resetting json object for feature data cleaner segment!") self.reset_segment_file() raise e break finally: self.__test_cleaning_methods = False # --- Cleaning options
[docs] def make_nan_assertions(self, df, df_features, feature_name, _add_to_que=True): """ Make nan assertions for boolean features. Args: df: pd.Dataframe Pandas Dataframe df_features: DataFrameType from eflow Organizes feature types into groups. feature_name: string Name of the feature in the datatframe _add_to_que: bool Pushes the function to pipeline segment parent if set to 'True'. """ check_if_feature_exists(df, feature_name) if feature_name not in df_features.all_features(): raise KeyError( f"The feature \'{feature_name}\' was not found in the dataframe!" + " Please select a valid feature from the df_features.") if feature_name not in df_features.bool_features(): raise UnsatisfiedRequirments(f"{feature_name} must be a bool feature.") unique_series = df[feature_name].dropna().unique().tolist() if len(unique_series) == 1 and ( unique_series[0] == 1 or unique_series[0] == 0): replace_value = int(unique_series[0] == 1) self.fill_nan_with_specfic_value(df, df_features, feature_name=feature_name, replace_value=replace_value, _add_to_que=_add_to_que) else: raise UnsatisfiedRequirments(f"Boolean assertions can't be made with this given feature {feature_name}.")
[docs] def ignore_feature(self, df, df_features, feature_name, _add_to_que=True): """ Ignore the given feature. Args: df: pd.Dataframe Pandas Dataframe df_features: DataFrameType from eflow Organizes feature types into groups. feature_name: string Name of the feature in the datatframe _add_to_que: bool Pushes the function to pipeline segment parent if set to 'True'. """ check_if_feature_exists(df, feature_name) if feature_name not in df_features.all_features(): raise KeyError( f"The feature \'{feature_name}\' was not found in the dataframe!" + " Please select a valid feature from the df_features.") if not self.__test_cleaning_methods: print("Ignore feature: ", feature_name) if _add_to_que: params_dict = locals() parameters = get_parameters(self.drop_feature) self._DataPipelineSegment__add_function_to_que("ignore_feature", parameters, params_dict)
# Remove any unwanted arguments in params_dict # if _add_to_que: # params_dict = locals() # parameters = get_parameters(self.ignore_feature) # # self._DataPipelineSegmentfunction_name("ignore_feature", # parameters, # params_dict)
[docs] def drop_feature(self, df, df_features, feature_name, _add_to_que=True): """ Drop a feature in the dataframe. Args: df: pd.Dataframe Pandas Dataframe df_features: DataFrameType from eflow Organizes feature types into groups. feature_name: string Name of the feature in the datatframe _add_to_que: bool Pushes the function to pipeline segment parent if set to 'True'. """ check_if_feature_exists(df, feature_name) if feature_name not in df_features.all_features(): raise KeyError( f"The feature \'{feature_name}\' was not found in the dataframe!" + " Please select a valid feature from the df_features.") if not self.__test_cleaning_methods: print("Droping Feature: ", feature_name) df.drop(columns=feature_name, inplace=True) df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) df_features.remove_feature(feature_name) if _add_to_que: params_dict = locals() parameters = get_parameters(self.drop_feature) self._DataPipelineSegment__add_function_to_que("drop_feature", parameters, params_dict)
[docs] def remove_nans(self, df, df_features, feature_name, _add_to_que=True): """ Remove rows of data based on the given feature. Args: df: pd.Dataframe Pandas Dataframe df_features: DataFrameType from eflow Organizes feature types into groups. feature_name: string Name of the feature in the datatframe _add_to_que: bool Pushes the function to pipeline segment parent if set to 'True'. """ check_if_feature_exists(df, feature_name) if feature_name not in df_features.all_features(): raise KeyError( f"The feature \'{feature_name}\' was not found in the dataframe!" + " Please select a valid feature from the df_features.") if not self.__test_cleaning_methods: print(f"Remove data from rows where the feature {feature_name} is equal to nan") df[feature_name].dropna(inplace=True) df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) df_features.remove_feature(feature_name) if _add_to_que: # Remove any unwanted arguments in params_dict params_dict = locals() parameters = get_parameters(self.remove_nans) self._DataPipelineSegment__add_function_to_que("remove_nans", parameters, params_dict)
[docs] def fill_nan_by_distribution(self, df, df_features, feature_name, percentile, z_score=None, _add_to_que=True): """ Fill nan by the distribution of data. Args: df: pd.Dataframe Pandas Dataframe df_features: DataFrameType from eflow Organizes feature types into groups. feature_name: string Name of the feature in the datatframe percentile: float or int z_score: _add_to_que: bool Pushes the function to pipeline segment parent if set to 'True'. """ check_if_feature_exists(df, feature_name) if feature_name not in df_features.all_features(): raise KeyError( f"The feature \'{feature_name}\' was not found in the dataframe!" + " Please select a valid feature from the df_features.") if feature_name in df_features.continuous_numerical_features(): series_obj = df[feature_name].sort_values() else: series_obj = df.sort_values([feature_name], ascending=True).groupby(feature_name).head(float("inf"))[feature_name] if z_score: if isinstance(z_score, float) or isinstance(z_score, int): series_obj = zcore_remove_outliers(series_obj.to_frame(), feature_name, z_score).dropna() else: raise ValueError("Z-Score must be at numerical value.") else: series_obj = df[feature_name].dropna() replace_value = np.percentile(series_obj, percentile) # Remove any unwanted arguments in params_dict if not self.__test_cleaning_methods: print(f"Fill nan on distribution; {percentile}% of {feature_name}") self.fill_nan_with_specfic_value(df, df_features, feature_name=feature_name, replace_value=replace_value, _add_to_que=_add_to_que)
def fill_nan_by_average(self, df, df_features, feature_name, z_score=None, _add_to_que=True): check_if_feature_exists(df, feature_name) if feature_name not in df_features.all_features(): raise KeyError( f"The feature \'{feature_name}\' was not found in the dataframe!" + " Please select a valid feature from the df_features.") params_dict = locals() # Remove any unwanted arguments in params_dict if _add_to_que: params_dict = locals() for arg in ["self", "df", "df_features", "_add_to_que", "params_dict"]: del params_dict[arg] if feature_name not in df_features.continuous_numerical_features(): raise UnsatisfiedRequirments(f"{feature_name} must be a saved as float or integer in df_features") if z_score: if isinstance(z_score,float) or isinstance(z_score,int): series_obj = zcore_remove_outliers(df, feature_name, z_score).dropna() else: raise ValueError("Z-Score must be at numerical value.") else: series_obj = df[feature_name].dropna() replace_value = series_obj.mean() if not self.__test_cleaning_methods: print("Fill nan based on the average of the distribution.") self.fill_nan_with_specfic_value(df, df_features, feature_name=feature_name, replace_value=replace_value, _add_to_que=_add_to_que) def fill_nan_by_mode(self, df, df_features, feature_name, z_score=None, _add_to_que=True): check_if_feature_exists(df, feature_name) if feature_name not in df_features.all_features(): raise KeyError( f"The feature \'{feature_name}\' was not found in the dataframe!" + " Please select a valid feature from the df_features.") if z_score: series_obj = zcore_remove_outliers(df, feature_name, z_score).dropna() else: series_obj = df[feature_name].dropna() mode_series = series_obj.mode() if not len(mode_series): pass else: replace_value = mode_series[0] if not self.__test_cleaning_methods: print("Fill nan by mode") self.fill_nan_with_specfic_value(df, df_features, feature_name=feature_name, replace_value=replace_value, _add_to_que=_add_to_que) def fill_nan_with_specfic_value(self, df, df_features, feature_name, replace_value, _add_to_que=True): check_if_feature_exists(df, feature_name) if feature_name not in df_features.all_features(): raise KeyError( f"The feature \'{feature_name}\' was not found in the dataframe!" + " Please select a valid feature from the df_features.") try: replace_value = replace_value.item() except AttributeError: pass if not self.__test_cleaning_methods: df[feature_name].fillna(replace_value, inplace=True) if _add_to_que: params_dict = locals() parameters = get_parameters(self.fill_nan_with_specfic_value) print("Replace nan with {0} on feature: {1}".format(replace_value, feature_name)) self._DataPipelineSegment__add_function_to_que("fill_nan_with_specfic_value", parameters, params_dict) def fill_nan_by_occurance_percentaile(self, df, df_features, feature_name, percentaile, z_score=None, _add_to_que=True): check_if_feature_exists(df, feature_name) if feature_name not in df_features.all_features(): raise KeyError( f"The feature \'{feature_name}\' was not found in the dataframe!" + " Please select a valid feature from the df_features.") # Remove any unwanted arguments in params_dict if _add_to_que: params_dict = locals() for arg in ["self", "df", "df_features", "_add_to_que", "params_dict"]: try: del params_dict[arg] except KeyError: pass if z_score: series_obj = zcore_remove_outliers(df, feature_name, z_score).dropna() else: series_obj = df[feature_name].dropna() array = np.asarray(series_obj.value_counts() / df.dropna().shape[0]) idx = (np.abs(array - (percentaile / 100))).argmin() replace_value = series_obj.value_counts().keys()[idx] if not self.__test_cleaning_methods: print("Fill nan by occurance percentaile.") self.fill_nan_with_specfic_value(df, df_features, feature_name=feature_name, replace_value=replace_value, _add_to_que=_add_to_que)